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Are You 'Bringing the Good Vibes' Home?

Amber Fitzsimon

Updated: Feb 21

Building a home is an enormous undertaking. As the buyer/homeowner, it can be overwhelming, stressful, and frustrating. But a surefire path to making it a more positive experience is to build a relationship with the person who is managing the construction of your home: your superintendent.  

First, understand that your superintendent is executing a massive project in building your home for you… and is also likely doing for 10 or more other families at the same time. On a daily basis, your superintendent is managing and communicating with countless trades, homeowners, and vendors; while also checking the progress and quality of the work in all of the homes that they are responsible for.  

Superintendents are human too!  Once you have an appreciation for all that your superintendent has on his or her plate, remember that they are human too. Every day, this person is giving 120% mentally, emotionally and physically to build you a quality new home. To say that a superintendent “gives blood sweat and tears” is not far from an accurate job description. So, build a relationship with them! Get to know him or her as a person and be appreciative of all that they are doing for you.  

Ask informed questions when something doesn’t seem right.   Don’t be confrontational or demand something to be done. Instead, asking the right questions can go much farther when communicating to the supervisor that you are concerned about something.   

Understand construction tolerances!  

Do your homework prior to your purchase. There are guidelines that the trades follow and are held to. Sometimes, they may not meet everyone’s expectations and disappointment can ensue when something can’t be changed because it is within tolerance. Don’t blame the builder or trade craftsmen. Instead, fall in love with the ‘perfect imperfections,’ and know that just because there are certain things that are not as you envisioned them, your house is still built with quality.   

Know that homes are handcrafted beauties with perfect imperfections.  

On every house, superintendents have multiple challenges to overcome and manage daily. So, if on your new home walk, there are extra paint touch-ups, a minor crooked tile in your backsplash, or a loose hinge on your cabinet door, it’s normal and these items will be addressed before your home crosses the finish line for closing. Don’t panic.  

Closing on a new home comes with a bowl of mixed emotions.  

Don’t let the anxiety of a small punch-list item ruin the excitement and achievement of purchasing a new home. Feeling anxious on the day of closing is normal. Focus on how beautiful your new home is. Choose to stand back and take it all in versus nitpicking small details. Bring the good vibes home!   

Plan for small warrantable items to come up after closing.  

Remember that you will be “breaking-in” your home! Though your superintendent has done a great job to build you a sound, structural, beautiful home, keep in mind that no one yet has lived in this home! No one has spent as much time in your home as you will, so you may notice things that previously went unnoticed that may need addressed. This too is normal and is precisely why your new home is under warranty. If you have laid the groundwork to have a good relationship with your builder and superintendent, future requests will go much more smoothly for all parties.  

Homes are built with “blood, sweat and tears,” and if we all extend a little kindness and grace to one another, building a new home will be that much more rewarding for everyone! 

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