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We are committed to researching and understanding the future of AI in the

homebuilding industry. From image recognition to language interpretation and

organizing data to make it more accessible and useful, the opportunities to 

harness the power of AI are limitless.  

Our quality assurance software, PERFORM, was developed to help builders

manage the change that is required to build better homes.
We are focused on integrating AI technology into the next generation of
PERFORM and other digital products we are developing.​


Our software is built BY and FOR the homebuilding industry.

IBACOS has been serving homebuilders for 35 years, and the software we build is an extension

of that legacy. Our team of developers works closely with folks who walk jobsites day-in and day-out,

so we're never far from the field.

We prioritize those who use our tools the most.

We work with large corporations, and often, the decision-makers in those organizations are not the ones using software day-in and day-out. It's important to us that we listen to our users just as much as our clients, because it makes our tools better for everyone.

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Data is an asset.

We make it easy to collect data, and just as easy to analyze the data, because collecting data and evaluating it is a gamechanger.

Integrated software is the future.

Our tools are built to integrate from the ground-up. If our data is more useful to you in your data-warehouse, talk to us about connecting to our API to get real-time data updates.

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